To start off, play this YouTube video to listen to the soundtrack of our hike yesterday as you read. We decided to make this our theme song for the day, as the chorus says "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger," and K92 kept playing this...literally, we heard it 3 times in our brief trip.
Yesterday I had the chance to do one of my most favorite things ever--hiking-- with some of my most favorite people ever--OL12 (Orientation Leaders 2012). We decided to hike McAfee's Knob on a beautiful Friday morning. Only three people in our group of 7 had hiked this mountain before, so we were excited to show everyone what it's all about.
I couldn't have asked for better hiking companions. The hike up, while tiring, was extremely entertaining. We debated making a commercial promoting Diet Coke- "What you drink on your way to the top"- and compared hiking sticks. My favorite part was when Meg decided to carry a legitimate log as her stick with the simple exclamation "I need to find things to whack!"
almost there....
with Meg enjoying the view
the whole group at the top
OLs & OAs
the fabulous orientation leaders
stole this from Kyle because I thought it was so cool
“The purpose of life, after all, is to
live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without
fear for newer and richer experiences.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
This quote is such a wonderful explanation for what I have learned from my experiences with New Student Programs at Tech. I have met some of the most incredible people who encourage me to try new things, even if it makes me a little uncomfortable. In the end, I know that I am always growing and learning, and I am so excited to see where the rest of the semester and summer takes this new OL12 group. And I'm already looking forward to our next hiking trip... :)
Carly darling!!! I love your blog! Keep it up lady! I also saw you follow my blog!! thank you!!! i will be doing the same for you too! hope you are having a blast at school right now!!! miss you!
Carly darling!!! I love your blog! Keep it up lady! I also saw you follow my blog!! thank you!!! i will be doing the same for you too! hope you are having a blast at school right now!!! miss you!