Friday, December 30, 2011

how do you measure a year?

2011 was a year of lots of big moments.  I pushed myself and stuck to my instincts when things became trying.  I served on my sorority's executive council as the Vice President of New Member Education (aka: Pledge Mom) and worked with two fabulous pledge classes.  I spent spring break on a cruise with my family and closest friends.  I saw the Hokies beat Duke in basketball and lose to Clemson in football...twice.  I spent the summer working with incoming Hokies and learned to love my school more than I thought possible.  I turned 21, received my class ring, watched my brother graduate high school and then welcomed him to Blacksburg.  I decided to change my career path from business marketing to apply to grad schools for higher education & student affairs.  At the end of the day, a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is my year at a glimpse with lyrics from "Seasons of Love" from RENT.  Happy New Years' to you & yours.  Time to ring in my graduation year...
525,600 minutes--how do you measure a year in the life?
New Years' 2011 in Baltimore

Party in the City Where the Heat is On: Orange Bowl

Spring Break Hokie Cruise with Sigma Kappa
Pledge Mom with my new pledge class
in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee?
in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife?
Gatlinburg, TN Sisterhood Retreat
how do you measure the life of a woman or a man?
Front row at College Gameday with Dad..WE BEAT DUKE

Spent the best summer of my life with these beautiful people

The best addition to 2011 for me?  This lady right here.
it's time now to sing out, though the story never ends
The New River

I have the BEST coworkers/bosses a girl could ask for

Like mother, like daughter
Turning 21 was never this good

The Big Event: Tech's largest community service event
My Junior Ring Dance.  Since my date wasn't a gentleman, the Hokie Bird filled in!
Ring Banquet
let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends
Tyler graduated!
Catching up with old friends
remember the love
Visiting my other half in Radford

Fathers' Day with Dad
Last Year as a Hokie Camp Counselor
you know that life is a gift from up above
With Frank Beamer at the Hokie Hi Picnic

Took the family hiking at the Cascades
share love, give love, spread love
SK raised nearly $8000 for Alzheimers Disease Research

Blacksburg sky after beating Miami

My dates to Senior Crush Party
Hiking McAffee's Knob
measure your life in love
Sigma Kappa Semis

Thanksgiving in Northern VA

Celebrating beating UVA..again

Winter's Eve on South Main with the best friends in the world
seasons of love
In Charlotte for the ACC Championship game

Despite the loss, still smiling
Ending the semester as Pledge Mom with the wonderful Fall '11 Pledge Class
Merry Christmas!
measure your life in love

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE this blog much!! so lucky to have you as my seester little miss carlyk :)
