- Lawrence K. Fish
I am such a "quote person." I love having little reminders and insights of inspiration. Last week in itself was a glimpse of what a great year this is going to be.

I started the week off by doing something that has been on my bucket list for quite some time now...giving blood. It has always scared me because I am a bit squirmish when it comes to needles, but with the support of friends and the knowledge that "I make a difference," I did it. While I almost fainted in the process, I was so proud after.
By the middle of the week, my group for my Buyer-Seller Relationships class was in full force to work on our presentation. Our professor met with the department head for the marketing department, and we are now set to pitch our ideas and research to them later on this semester. We have a lot of work cut out for us, but we are all so excited and motivated to make this an awesome presentation.
The week ended with a trip to The Cascades out past Pembroke, VA with my family. I hadn't been to the Cascades since my freshman year, and I was excited to show my brother and parents what awesome things are practically in my backyard here at school. I, of course, had a great time capturing the trip with Instagram pictures.
Here's to another great week ahead.
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